
< cpplrm; | algorithm
Algorithm library
Execution policies (C++17)
Non-modifying sequence operations
Modifying sequence operations
Operations on uninitialized storage
Partitioning operations
Sorting operations
Binary search operations
Set operations (on sorted ranges)
Heap operations
Minimum/maximum operations
Numeric operations
C library
Defined in header <algorithm>
template< class T, class U >
constexpr auto compare_3way( const T& a, const U& b );
(since C++20)

Compares two values using three-way comparison and produces a result of the strongest applicable comparison category type.

In detail:

  • If the expression a <=> b is well-formed, returns its result
  • Otherwise, if the expressions a == b and a < b are both well-formed and convertible to bool,
  • if a == b equals true, returns std::strong_ordering::equal
  • otherwise, if a < b equals true, returns std::strong_ordering::less
  • otherwise, returns std::strong_ordering::greater
  • Otherwise, if the expression a == b is well-formed and convertible to bool (but a < b is not),
  • if a == b equals true, returns std::strong_equality::equal
  • otherwise, returns std::strong_equality::nonequal
  • Otherwise (if neither a <=> b nor a == b are well-formed), the function is defined as deleted.


a, b - the values to compare

Return value

As defined above.


This function is useful in generic programming, since it uses < and == as fallbacks when <=> is not available.


See also

compares two ranges using three-way comparison
(function template)
the result type of 3-way comparison that supports only equality/inequality and is substitutable
the result type of 3-way comparison that supports only equality/inequality and is not substitutable
the result type of 3-way comparison that supports all 6 operators and is substitutable
the result type of 3-way comparison that supports all 6 operators and is not substitutable
the result type of 3-way comparison that supports all 6 operators, is not substitutable, and allows incomparable values