Standard library header <cwctype>

< cpplrm; | header

This header was originally in the C standard library as <wctype.h>.

This header is part of the C-style null-terminated wide strings library.


wctrans_t scalar type that holds locale-specific character mapping
wctype_t scalar type that holds locale-specific character classification
wint_t integer type that can hold any valid wide character and at least one more value


a non-character value of type wint_t used to indicate errors
(macro constant)


Character classification
checks if a wide character is alphanumeric
checks if a wide character is alphabetic
checks if a wide character is lowercase
checks if a wide character is an uppercase character
checks if a wide character is a digit
checks if a character is a hexadecimal character
checks if a wide character is a control character
checks if a wide character is a graphical character
checks if a wide character is a space character
checks if a wide character is a blank character
checks if a wide character is a printing character
checks if a wide character is a punctuation character
classifies a wide character according to the specified LC_CTYPE category
looks up a character classification category in the current C locale
Character manipulation
converts a wide character to lowercase
converts a wide character to uppercase
performs character mapping according to the specified LC_CTYPE mapping category
looks up a character mapping category in the current C locale