
< cpplrm; | stringlrm; | wide
Defined in header <cwchar>
const wchar_t* wcspbrk( const wchar_t* dest, const wchar_t* str );
wchar_t* wcspbrk( wchar_t* dest, const wchar_t* str );

Finds the first character in wide string pointed to by dest, that is also in wide string pointed to by str.


dest - pointer to the null-terminated wide string to be analyzed
src - pointer to the null-terminated wide string that contains the characters to search for

Return value

Pointer to the first character in dest, that is also in str, or NULL if no such character exists.


See also

returns the length of the maximum initial segment that consists
of only the wide not found in another wide string
finds the first occurrence of a wide character in a wide string