
< cpplrm; | experimentallrm; | ranges
Defined in header <experimental/ranges/tuple>
template< TagSpecifier... Tags, class... Types>

requires sizeof...(Tags) == sizeof...(Types)

constexpr ranges::tagged</*see below*/, Tags...> make_tagged_tuple(Types&&... t);
(ranges TS)

Convenience function for creating a tagged tuple, deducing the element types from the arguments (the tag specifiers must be explicitly specified).

The see below portion of the return type is decltype(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Types>(t)...)).

Return value

R(std::forward<Types>(t)...), where R is the return type.

See also

specifies that a type represents a tag specifier and its element type
augument a tuple-like type with named accessors
(class template)
alias template for a tagged std::pair
(alias template)
convenience function for creating a tagged_pair
(function template)
alias template for a tagged std::tuple
(alias template)
tag specifiers for use with ranges::tagged