
< cpplrm; | experimentallrm; | optional
Technical specifications
Filesystem library (filesystem TS)
Library fundamentals (library fundamentals TS)
Library fundamentals 2 (library fundamentals 2 TS)
Extensions for parallelism (parallelism TS)
Extensions for parallelism 2 (parallelism TS v2)
Extensions for concurrency (concurrency TS)
Concepts (concepts TS)
Ranges (ranges TS)
Special mathematical functions (special math TR)
Defined in header <experimental/optional>
template< class T >

constexpr optional<typename std::decay<T>::type>

make_optional( T&& value );
(library fundamentals TS)

Creates an optional object from value. Effectively calls optional<typename std::decay<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(value))


value - the value to construct optional object with

Return value

An optional object with value as the contained value.


Throws any exception thrown by the constructor of T.

See also

constructs the optional object
(public member function)