
< cpplrm; | thread
Thread support library
this_thread namespace
Mutual exclusion
Generic lock management
Condition variables
Non-member functions
Helper classes
Defined in header <future>
enum class future_errc {

broken_promise = /* implementation-defined */,
future_already_retrieved = /* implementation-defined */,
promise_already_satisfied = /* implementation-defined */,
no_state = /* implementation-defined */

(since C++11)

The scoped enumeration std::future_errc defines the error codes reported by std::future and related classes in std::future_error exception objects. Only four error codes are required, although the implementation may define additional error codes. Because the appropriate specialization of std::is_error_code_enum is provided, values of type std::future_errc are implicitly convertible to std::error_code.

All error codes are distinct and non-zero. (since C++14)

Member constants

Constant Explanation
broken_promise the asynchronous task abandoned its shared state
future_already_retrieved the contents of shared state were already accessed through std::future
promise_already_satisfied attempt to store a value in the shared state twice
no_state attempt to access std::promise or std::future without an associated shared state

Non-member functions

constructs a future error code
constructs a future error_condition

Helper classes

extends the type trait std::is_error_code_enum to identify future error codes
(class template)


In C++11, broken_promise was specified to equal zero despite std::error_code/std::error_condition using zero to mean "no error". This was fixed in C++14.


See also

holds a platform-dependent error code
holds a portable error code