std::codecvt::length, do_length

< cpplrm; | localelrm; | codecvt
Defined in header <locale>

int length( StateT& state,
const ExternT* from,
const ExternT* from_end,

std::size_t max ) const;

virtual int do_length( StateT& state,
const ExternT* from,
const ExternT* from_end,

std::size_t max ) const;
1) public member function, calls the member function do_length of the most derived class.
2) attempts to convert the externT characters from the character array defined by [from, from_end), given initial conversion state state, to at most max internT characters, and returns the number of externT characters that such conversion would consume. Modifies state as if by executing do_in(state, from, from_end, from, to, to+max, to) for some imaginary [to, to+max) output buffer.

Return value

The number of externT characters that would be consumed if converted by do_in() until either all from_end-from characters were consumed or max internT characters were produced, or a conversion error occurred.

The non-converting specialization std::codecvt<char, char, std::mbstate_t> returns std::min(max, from_end-from)


#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    //  narrow multibyte encoding
    std::string s = "z\u00df\u6c34\U0001d10b"; // or u8"z"
                      // or "\x7a\xc3\x9f\xe6\xb0\xb4\xf0\x9d\x84\x8b";
    std::mbstate_t mb = std::mbstate_t();
    std::cout << "Only the first " <<
              std::use_facet<std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t>>(
              ).length(mb, &s[0], &s[s.size()], 2)
              << " bytes out of " << s.size() << " would be consumed "
                 " to produce the first 2 characters\n";


Only the first 3 bytes out of 10 would be consumed to produce the first 2 characters

See also

converts a string from externT to internT, such as when reading from file
(virtual protected member function)