std::operator ==,!=,<,<=,>,>= (std::span)

< cpplrm; | containerlrm; | span
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator==(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator!=(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator<(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator<=(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator>(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);
template <class T, std::ptrdiff_t X, class U, std::ptrdiff_t Y>
constexpr bool operator>=(std::span<T, X> l, std::span<U, Y> r);

Lexicographically compare the contents of two spans.

1) Equivalent to return std::equal(l.begin(), l.end(), r.begin(), r.end());.
2) Equivalent to return !(l == r);.
3) Equivalent to return std::lexicographical_compare(l.begin(), l.end(), r.begin(), r.end());.
4) Equivalent to return !(r < l);.
5) Equivalent to return (r < l);.
6) Equivalent to return !(l < r);.


l, r - spans to compare

Return value

The result of the comparison.