synth-three-way, synth-three-way-result

constexpr auto synth-three-way = /* see below */; // exposition only
(since C++20)
template< class T, class U = T >

using synth-three-way-result =                    // exposition only

    decltype(synth-three-way(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<U&>()));
(since C++20)

synth-three-way is an exposition-only function object whose operator() behaves as the synthesized three-way comparison function.

synth-three-way-result is an exposition-only type, it is the return type of the operator() of synth-three-way.

synth-three-way is defined as follows:

constexpr auto synth-three-way =
    []<class T, class U>(const T& t, const U& u)
        requires requires
            { t < u } -> boolean-testable;
            { u < t } -> boolean-testable;
        if constexpr (std::three_way_comparable_with<T, U>)
            return t <=> u;
            if (t < u)
                return std::weak_ordering::less;
            if (u < t)
                return std::weak_ordering::greater;
            return std::weak_ordering::equivalent;


t, u - the values to be compared

Return value

The compare result.

See also

(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the pair
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the tuple
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the array
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the deque
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the forward_list
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the list
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the vector
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the map
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the multimap
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the set
(function template)
(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(removed in C++20)(C++20)
lexicographically compares the values in the multiset
(function template)