
< cpp‎ | numeric‎ | complex
Member functions
Non-member functions
Exponential functions
Power functions
Trigonometric functions
Hyperbolic functions
All specializations
complex& operator=( const complex& cx );
(until C++20)
constexpr complex& operator=( const complex& cx );
(since C++20)
template< class X >
complex& operator=( const std::complex<X>& cx );
(until C++20)
template< class X >
constexpr complex& operator=( const std::complex<X>& cx );
(since C++20)
Primary template complex<T>
complex& operator=( const T& x );
(until C++20)
constexpr complex& operator=( const T& x );
(since C++20)
Specializations for standard floating-point types complex<F> (until C++23)
complex& operator=( F x );
(until C++20)
constexpr complex& operator=( F x );
(since C++20)
(until C++23)

Assigns new values to the contents.

1,2) Assigns cx.real() and cx.imag() to the real and the imaginary parts of the complex number respectively. The copy assignment operator (1) is trivial when T is a floating-point type. (since C++23)
3) Assigns x to the real part of the complex number. Imaginary part is set to zero.


x - value to assign
cx - complex value to assign

Return value



The copy assignment operator is required to be trivial since C++23, but implementations generally make it trivial in all modes.

See also

constructs a complex number
(public member function)
a std::complex literal representing purely imaginary number