
< cpp‎ | memory‎ | shared ptr
Utilities library
General utilities
Date and time
Function objects
Formatting library (C++20)
Relational operators (deprecated in C++20)
Integer comparison functions
Swap and type operations
Common vocabulary types
Elementary string conversions
Dynamic memory management
Uninitialized memory algorithms
Constrained uninitialized memory algorithms
Garbage collection support
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)

template< class T > struct hash<shared_ptr<T>>;
(since C++11)

The template specialization of std::hash for std::shared_ptr<T> allows users to obtain hashes of objects of type std::shared_ptr<T>.

For a given std::shared_ptr<T> p, this specialization ensures that

std::hash<std::shared_ptr<T>>()(p) == std::hash<T*>()(p.get()).

(until C++17)

std::hash<std::shared_ptr<T>>()(p) ==
std::hash<typename std::shared_ptr<T>::element_type*>()(p.get())

(since C++17)


See also

hash function object
(class template)