< cpp‎ | locale
Localizations library
Locales and facets
Facet category base classes
ctype facets
numeric facets
collate facets
time facets
monetary facets
messages facets
Character classification and conversion
Character classification
Code conversion facets
C locale
Defined in header <clocale>
#define LC_ALL      /* implementation defined */
#define LC_COLLATE  /* implementation defined */
#define LC_CTYPE    /* implementation defined */
#define LC_MONETARY /* implementation defined */
#define LC_NUMERIC  /* implementation defined */
#define LC_TIME     /* implementation defined */

Each of the above macro constants expand to integer constant expressions with distinct values that are suitable for use as the first argument of std::setlocale.

Constant Explanation
LC_ALL selects the entire C locale
LC_COLLATE selects the collation category of the C locale
LC_CTYPE selects the character classification category of the C locale
LC_MONETARY selects the monetary formatting category of the C locale
LC_NUMERIC selects the numeric formatting category of the C locale
LC_TIME selects the time formatting category of the C locale

Additional macro constants, with names that begin with LC_ followed by at least one uppercase letter, may be defined in <clocale>. For example, the POSIX specification requires LC_MESSAGES (which controls std::perror and std::strerror), ISO/IEC 30112:2014 (2014 draft) additionally defines LC_IDENTIFICATION, LC_XLITERATE, LC_NAME, LC_ADDRESS, LC_TELEPHONE, LC_PAPER, LC_MEASUREMENT, and LC_KEYBOARD, which are supported by the GNU C library (except for LC_XLITERATE).


#include <cstdio>
#include <clocale>
#include <ctime>
#include <cwchar>
int main()
    // the C locale will be the UTF-8 enabled English:
    std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
    // decimal dot will be German:
    std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE.UTF-8");
    // date/time formatting will be Japanese:
    std::setlocale(LC_TIME, "ja_JP.UTF-8");
    wchar_t str[100];
    std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
    std::wcsftime(str, 100, L"%A %c", std::localtime(&t));
    std::wprintf(L"Number: %.2f\nDate: %Ls\n", 3.14, str);


Number: 3,14
Date: 日曜日 2022年11月06日 17時55分10秒

See also

gets and sets the current C locale
set of polymorphic facets that encapsulate cultural differences