std::chrono::month::operator+=, std::chrono::month::operator-=

< cpp‎ | chrono‎ | month
Utilities library
General utilities
Date and time
Function objects
Formatting library (C++20)
Relational operators (deprecated in C++20)
Integer comparison functions
Swap and type operations
Common vocabulary types
Elementary string conversions
constexpr std::chrono::month& operator+=(const std::chrono::months& m) noexcept;
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr std::chrono::month& operator+=(const std::chrono::months& m) noexcept;
(2) (since C++20)

Adds or subtracts m.count() from the month value, reducing the result modulo 12 to an integer in the range [1, 12].

1) Performs *this = *this + m;
2) Performs *this = *this - m;

Return value

A reference to this month after modification.


After a call to one of these functions, ok() is always true if no overflow occurred during the operation.


#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::chrono::month m {6};
    m += std::chrono::months(2);
    std::cout << (m == std::chrono::month(8)) << ' '
              << (m == std::chrono::August) << ' ';
    m -= std::chrono::months(3);
    std::cout << (m == std::chrono::month(5)) << ' '
              << (m == std::chrono::May) << ' ';
    m = std::chrono::October;
    m += std::chrono::months{8}; // ((10 += 8 == 18) % 12) == 6;
    std::cout << (m == std::chrono::June) << ' ';
    m -= std::chrono::months{std::chrono::December - std::chrono::February}; // -= 10
    // (6 -= 10) == -4; -4 % 12 == (12-4) == 8
    std::cout << (m == std::chrono::August) << '\n';


true true true true true true

See also

increments or decrements the month
(public member function)
performs arithmetic on months